Other News

The consequences IA will cause to jobs

How the future of employment may change as a result of the evolution of technology and specifically artificial intelligence.

AI might alter our judgment and decision-making

Since AIs are increasingly able to act like humans they can alter our decisions while providing us information in a convincing way.

ChatGPT-4 VS Google Bard

It's clear that the new models of search based on AI are changing the way we are using the internet. Which will be the best?

When humans and machines become one

We may be close to a technological singularity in which people will have to empower themselves to contrast AI.

The capitalism of surveillance

The amount of data a company can retrieve from us because of technology is leading us to a new form of capitalism.

Warp drive might be a reality

NASA scientists think the warp drive seen in the television series Star Trek might be possible but now it's still too early.

Organoid intelligence

Biocomputers will be able to handle more computational power thanks to biological neurons created in a laboratory.

Generative A.I. could encourage brainwashing

Artificial Intelligence can be a powerful weapon for those governments that use manipulation to control their population.

Companies can decode brainwaves

Mind reading technology can decode your brain waves to know what's in your mind. This could help people with some diseases but has also some downsides.

Technology and relationships

Relationships changed over the years since when people can confess their problems online but technology is taking bonds away between people.

AIs may be sociopath

According to a neuroscientist, AIs can become sociopath agents if they don't achieve more awareness of the consequences of their actions.

Technological singularity is going to happen soon

AI is going to take humankind toward singularity, an event beyond which, almost anything will be technologically possible.