Other News

5 keypoints from Europe’s AI Act

For the first time Europe decided to regulate AI through an AI Act in which some AI behaviors won't be allowed.

Achieving the computational capacity of the brain

Is it possible for a computer to reach the capacity of a human brain? Currently, there are many approaches to achieve that.

A robot that sweats, breathes, and shivers

A robot that helps to test high-temperature environments is able to sweat, breathe and shiver like a human.

Producer uses AI to make his vocals sound like Kanye West

AI is being used to produce music but also to clone voices of famous artists. However, this can completely alter the music scene.

The future of warfare

We are worried about AI for jobs or when it comes to systems that decide who to ban from a service; but the fear of AI applied to war is even stronger.

Relationships 100 years from now

What will relationships look like in the future? According to a futurist everything will be more digital but people will still desire real relationships.

The danger of Generative AI

Generative AI can be a real danger in the next future since it can be used to manipulate people taking advantage of their personal information.

OpenAI and Figure develop robots for the workforce

OpenAI along with Figure is developing a robot able to learn motions by watching humans. It will be used for many activities.

How AI will change war

Artificial Intelligence not only will change how we live our ordinary life but also how humans will engage a war.

Nanowire networks act like a human brain

Nanowire networks seem able to simulate some human brain behaviors such as short and long-term memory.

Dead people will live on as avatars, while living ones might live forever

New technologies will allow people to talk to avatars of dead people while nanobots will make people live longer.

Can AI be ethical?

Developing ethical AI systems is not easy since we first need to define what's ethical and how to apply it ethically.