
Poo on the moon

The Apollo astronauts left some waste on the lunar soil before leaving including their organic…

Why you can pee without pooing but you can’t poo without peeing

When you're sitting on the toilet while you're taking a poo you probably need to…

How your butt discerns a poop from a fart

It sounds easy but if think about it, it's hard to imagine how the butt…

Poop to power planes

Some scientists have found how to power planes by using waste, including poop, and this…

A beer and a stool for your poop

Squatty Potty launched a challenge to trade poop for a beer and a stool as…

Why some men need to poop naked

Some men like to poop naked. Allegedly, it's not something that uncommon, and those who…

When poop is green

It may happen, your poop may be green. But why? And is this good or…

Poop Troop: the first emoji keyboard to communicate poop

A biopharmaceutical Company launched the Poop Troop, a smartphone keyboard with emojis to communicate about…