
Bees defeat ‘murder hornet’ with poop

Asian honey bees prevent hornets' attacks by smearing their hives with poop as an effective form of defense.

4 years ago

Not all butts and farts are the same

A zoologist explains some interesting studies about animal farts in her book 'Does it fart?' but she couldn't fail to…

4 years ago

Burger ‘green’: a new Whopper from cows that burp and fart 33% less

Burger King is launching a new Whopper made from cows that burp and fart 33% less, as a contribution to…

4 years ago

Antarctic penguins poop out so much laughing gas

Antarctic penguins emit such copious amounts of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, via their feces that researchers went a little…

4 years ago

Which dog poops the biggest?

Which dog does take the biggest poop? And which one the littlest? The size of the poop depends on different…

4 years ago

How rats can swim up to your toilet

It sounds impossible but rats may swim up to your toilet from the sewers. They can swim, tread water, hold…

5 years ago

The penguin pink poop

Adélie penguin poop is pink and can be seen by space. It helped researchers to locate these penguins on the…

5 years ago

The origin of the anus

The anus is the most discussed part of the body. Some researchers tried to see why by analyzing the animal…

5 years ago

Wombat poop is cube-shaped

Wombats are the only animal in the world that make cube-shaped poop. Why? Recent research tried to give an explanation.

5 years ago