Toilet overruns the world of board games
If we give a look at the latest games for kids, we can see that lots of them are toilet-themed. Toilets and poos are always more recurring elements. Below, we listed the most famous toilet-themed board games with a short description.
Beat the flush

Collect the colored critters around the toilet. Flick them into the bowl with the launcher. Who collects more critters wins. To catch them you have to put the headband on and try to attract the critters of your own color with the magnet. Then you have to put each critter on the launcher and flick it into the rotating toilet which will spray water after some minutes.
Toilet trouble

In this game, we have a toilet and a paper roll as a dice. Spin the toilet roll and the number that turns up dictates how many times each player must flush. Continue taking turns until the player gets sprayed.

In this game, we have a card deck, some poos, and a whoopee cushion. Players lay cards trying to follow the right sequence: toilet, turd, toilet paper, washing hands. When a player has no more cards or cannot play anymore must hit the whoopee cushion. The player with the most card left must put a pile of poop on his head.
Flushing Frenzy

In this game, we have a toilet, a turd, and a plunger. Flush the handle on the toilet to roll the dice. Then plunge the toilet the number of times came upon the dice. But be careful, because each time you push, the turd may fly out. So, the first player who grabs the poop earns a token. The player who ends up with the most tokens wins.
Don’t step in it

Put on a blindfold, spin the spinner and look at how many steps you have to take across the mat or how many poops you have to add or remove. But be careful not to step on the poops.
Doggie Doo

In this game, you have to feed your doggie. The player rolls the dice to see how many times he has to press the button on the leash. When the poo comes out, use the shovel to clean up. Who collects more poops wins.