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Poop café, a toilet restaurant

Two opposite worlds blend together

In Toronto, there’s a new curious restaurant: the Poop Café. As the name suggests, it’s a toilet-based restaurant. The idea is from a Korean girl named Lien Nguyen, who has a degree in management and culinary science. The Poop Café is the first poop-themed restaurant in the West because, in Taiwan, this idea had already been developed before. That inspired the girl to realize her own project.

The Poop Café style
The Poop Café style

It looks like a paradox: to put together a disgusting thing with a tasty one, but Lien promises that the idea will be successful just because of that, and it could break this taboo. The restaurant is full of things recalling the toilet world: chairs are toilet-shaped, and on the brown walls there are artworks of funny poops, but it’s not all. The setting-up is obviously themed: dishes are toilet or urinal-shaped. Food tends to be brown and occasionally can be poop-shaped.

Some themed dishes
Some themed dishes

Other restaurants with the same owner and theme are located in Moscow (Crazy Toilet Café), Seul (Ddong Café), and Filipinas (Bocarai Toilet).

Poop Cafè Facebook Page

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