toilet paper

A 3 Statues-of-Liberty long toilet roll

A Japanese Company made the longest toilet paper roll which is 3 Statues-of-Liberty long. Approximately…

Charmin’s unconventional toilet products are funny but have potential

The Charmin brand has come up with new unconventional bathroom technologies. However, some may have…

Learn new languages through toilet rolls

Duolingo is selling language courses on 3-ply toilet paper rolls to take advantage of the…

A toilet paper hack to make it last longer

An Aussie mum's toilet paper hack that makes the roll last longer went viral from…

Toilet paper pumpkins

Halloween is coming! Why don't you decorate your bathroom with these beautiful toilet paper pumpkins?…

46 toilet rolls on his head and he smashes Guinness World Record

A British man smashed a new Guinness World Record by stacking 46 toilet rolls on…

A valuable toilet paper samples collection

Richard and Floralee Newman have been collecting signed toilet paper samples from all over the…

A toilet paper holder exhibition

A gallery in L.A. exhibits more than 50 variations of toilet paper holders along with…

How We Roll is the new toilet paper brand planting trees

How We Roll is a new toilet paper brand that sells 100% recycled and biodegradable…

Malaysian cafĂ© makes ‘toilet paper roll’ cakes

A pastry chef in Malaysia made toilet paper roll cakes inspired by the coronavirus pandemic…