
‘The origin of the faeces’ exhibit

A former senior zookeeper collected animal poop and organized an exhibition at Kingstone's Fusebook, a…

A book about Nazi soldiers taking a dump

A photographer and artist published a book with peculiar photos of Nazi soldiers taking a…

Sentenced for making a big poop sculpture

A Russian artist made a poop sculpture in St. Petersburg but he was sentenced by…

Do babies poop in the womb?

Do you ever wonder what happens to babies' poop while in utero? Here's an explanation…

The hard life of astronauts, from eating to going to the bathroom

Being an astronaut can be hard work, especially when it comes to going to the…

Baker makes a stool chart cake

A baker made a cake using snacks for her doctor sister inspired by the Bristol…

The urge to poop while in a bookstore

A strange phenomenon known as Mariko Aoki seems to happen while people are in a…

The poop artist who paints with poop

Poop can also be art as a German artist, Werner Härtl, is demonstrating by using…

The ‘ghost poop’

A TikTok trend is showing a phenomenon known as 'ghost poop' and experts explain what…

Poop anxiety is a real problem

Poop anxiety is an underestimated problem and could lead to more severe conditions such as…