8 strategies to hide them

Ribald romantics frequently point out that you have found your soulmate if you can fart in front of your partner, however, this is not always the case, and you often need to adopt strategies to avoid being heard.

As explained here, there are pretty foolproof techniques both men and women can use to secretly, and safely, fart around their significant others. Or anyone else you’d prefer not to notice you.

The sidewalk fart

For those who are silent but deadly, the sidewalk fart is very helpful. It is probably okay to try a moderately loud fart as well, depending on the degree of surrounding noise, such as traffic, rumbling subways, and other things. As the wind is blowing against you, this strategy works best because even the strongest farts will rapidly leave your proximity as the gas is produced.

It’s better to blame any arising smell on the air if the wind is not working in your favor. However, do not be the first to call attention to it. Make sure no one is following you by casting a quick check behind you before performing the crime. In addition to being polite, this helps prevent embarrassment. Even to a stranger, you do not want to be perceived as a secret farter.

The coughing fart

Coughing up a fart may be dangerous for people who are unfamiliar with the workings of their digestive system, therefore it is not for everyone. Before you let loose with the fart, you must have some idea of its strength. It is preferable not to smell like the inside of a wild boar’s digestive tract if you are just going to squeak one out and cover it up with a cough. However, the coughing fart is there for you if you know that it will be pretty low on the smell scale, depending on what you ate and how it is sitting in your stomach.

But exercise caution. Never let the fart get louder than your cough! Since coughing causes the fart to exit your anus with greater force than you might think, this is quite hard to regulate. It is, thus, more challenging but also useful.

The under-the-covers fart

We cannot guarantee this procedure is reliable if you only use a top sheet. After you have let one out, make sure your companion does not pull back the blankets for roughly five minutes.

Anyone who has farted under the covers and then gone under for a brief sniff of ass vapor knows that the gas lingers there for longer than you would suppose. However, the finest place to fart quietly is under the covers. These farts usually occur in the morning, when you do not want to disturb the tranquility by getting up to use the restroom.

The bathroom fart

If you do not use the bathroom fart too frequently, it works flawlessly. If you are sneaking off to the restroom every ten minutes to let one out, your significant other will be suspicious. He or she will likely start to believe that you are experiencing more serious digestive issues than just a little gas. In any event, it is useful if you need to pee because you can flush the toilet as you perform the necessary action or play some music.

It is not as silent in bathrooms as we may think, therefore, it is best if you can switch on the fan and maybe open the sink as well. Just to be safe, throw in a cough as well. To allow the room to gradually air out, attempt to leave the door slightly ajar and make sure your partner is not entering directly after you.

The piecemeal fart

When executed correctly, this is among the most effective methods. You must be aware that you can expel the fart gradually until it is all out of your body. It shouldn’t be so big that, when beginning to squeeze, it completely comes out. (Those work best in the bathroom.) If you push out a bit here, a bit there, over five or 10 minutes, no one will be the wiser.

This works best if you use it during dinner, ideally at a restaurant, where your significant other can not witness you carefully relaxing your sphincter to siphon out the gas without them knowing. Take care that your expressions do not reveal anything. Just to be safe, take a sip of your drink so that part of your face is covered.

The cooking fart

Anything containing onions, bacon, or fish will help cover up any smell. Opt for one of those foods, or anything else with an aroma that will remain in your house, if you are hosting your significant other for supper. Odors will be confused, making it impossible for someone to distinguish between the smell of gas, food, or both. Not to add that your significant other will not even notice that the strong smell could be laced with ass because they will be so enamored with the fact that you made dinner.

The trapped fart

The riskiest of all is the trapped fart, which is best reserved for special occasions. It’s useful for car travel when you have no other choice (and lowering the window would be questionable) or for when you’re hugging on the couch and would rather not ruin the mood. However, be advised that farting will ruin the mood much more severely than getting up to use the restroom.

Before attempting this in the wild, I advise practicing it on your own a few times. Because it takes some skillful maneuvering with your butt cheeks to seal the fart beneath you, it does not always work. To achieve this, sit up straight, bring your legs together, and firmly press your ass on your seat. To prevent the fart from escaping out the back, you should aim it slightly in front of you. After that, release it gradually and silently while you await the outcome.

The toilet paper fart

Another technique employs toilet paper to minimize the sound of a fart. Two sheets of paper are enough for this purpose. Fold and place them between your cheeks, centering the anus. This way, paper will act as a cushion to absorb sound as gas is released. By letting gas escape slowly, you can minimize the noise produced, while a quick release tends to create louder sounds due to increased exit velocity. The muffling effect comes from the absorption of sound waves by the toilet paper, which reduces the vibrations that typically lead to audible farts. The combination of proper placement and controlled release can significantly lower the chance of drawing attention.