HomefartsWhy some kids are obsessed with bodily functions

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Why some kids are obsessed with bodily functions

It’s normal but parents may need to tell them when it’s opportune to do it in front of others

Sometimes kids talk about poop and other bodily functions so much that it makes them seem weird. However, it doesn’t always mean that your child will continue to talk constantly about farts and poop also in the future. Nevertheless, there are ways to handle inappropriate conversations without feeling embarrassed. The following contains explanations from professionals as well as suggestions about this topic.

According to this article, every child is unique, but many toddlers exhibit a certain level of fascination regarding normal physiological functions due to their experience with diapers and potty training, a moment when they are accustomed to having their own output discussed and studied in great detail.

“Young children are obsessed with bodily functions in general, and the fact that their body can produce objects and make funny noises is something they like to talk about”, Dr. Denise Scott, a pediatrician, and JustAnswer expert says.

Talking about farts and poop is also a simple method for kids to get a rise out of adults, especially their parents.

“Kids latch on to the words you prefer them not to use and these words will be repeated once they get a reaction out of the adults”, Scott explains. “To get a reaction from an adult can feel pretty powerful to a child so that they will do it again and again”.

Additionally, many children are beginning to develop a sense of humor at this age.

“Not only are children working with a limited amount of content to draw humor from, but they’re also discovering and testing out how words can be shocking and cause laughter when they are”, Michelle Felder, a licensed clinical social worker, and therapist for Parenting Pathfinders says.

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Due to the fact that “shame is not a healthy tool for encouraging a child to change their behavior” Felder advises parents to refrain from making fun of their children for having bodily functions or talking about them.

Children should be reminded by their parents that passing gas is one way their bodies maintain their health and take care of themselves. They should also give room for the fact that not all body functions are predictable and be explicit about what is expected of them.

In response to a child passing gas, Felder says that a parent could say, “I noticed that you just farted, and you know what? There’s nothing wrong with farting — all humans do it, and it’s good for us! The thing is, it’s something that we should try our best to do in a private space, and if we’re around other people, we should say ‘excuse me’ or ‘pardon me’ when we’re done”.

According to Rachel Heitman, a clinical mental health counselor with a license, she tells children who fart in her playroom, “That surprised you”.

“It is neutral, and lets the child know that I heard it and I accept them as they are”, she said.

Even if you tell kids not to talk about farts and excrement, they won’t immediately stop. You should give kids a safe space where they may laugh and express themselves without feeling embarrassed. Call it “Poop talk time” when this happens.

“For a few minutes a day, you can allow your child to talk about anything and say what they want, even if it’s gross, and it can be made into a game where everyone can laugh”, Scott says. “Allowing them the opportunity to laugh and talk about these things together will decrease their obsession with it”.

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This can include discussions of farts, poop, burps, spit, and other topics that are inappropriate for polite everyday conversation.

Encourage them to wait until the next “poop talk time” if they insist on talking about it after the allotted time has passed. You may also just tell your child that those phrases are just for the bathroom. According to Scott, this gives kids the chance to talk about it without suffering any repercussions.

When it comes to social conventions and farting etiquette, you should set an example as an adult.

“Parents should not feel that they need to suppress their own bodily functions, but they can say ‘excuse me’ after and model how they would like their child to behave”, Scott says. “Reinforce that these things occur every day to everyone and are just part of life”.

Parents might also think to consider adopting a more unbiased stance rather than making a huge issue out of a careless “toot” or poop joke. Children often figure out which phrases are expletives when adults make a big deal when they’re repeated, which is another reason why they’re preoccupied with farts and excrement. Farts, poop, and similar bodily functions will soon lose their significance for your child by becoming a routine physical function that is acknowledged and then moved on from if you remain neutral and pay less attention to them.

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