Why you should never put toilet paper on a toilet seat

A common habit that doesn’t seem the right solution

We already talked about why you should never use toilet paper on a plane toilet but there are other reasons you shouldn’t use it on the toilet seats of public bathrooms.

We know, it’s always a problem to use a public bathroom, especially when you have to seat down on the bowl. Many try different and uncomfortable positions to avoid contact with the seat, while others prefer to put some layers of toilet paper on it thinking that prevents any germs to reach their skin.

However, contrary to popular belief, using toilet paper exposes you to significantly more bacteria than simply sitting on the toilet.

As explained in this article, the top of a toilet seat is far cleaner than the majority of people’s kitchen sinks, according to Philip Tierno, a clinical professor of microbiology and pathology at NYU Langone Medical Center. Because of their smooth surface and ability to repel germs, toilet seats make microorganisms that contact them quickly die. The bacteria that is released into the air every time the toilet is flushed instead, finds an ideal home on toilet paper because it is rough and absorbent. There’s a good probability that a lot of that airborne bacteria settles on the toilet paper you use.

Therefore, squatting above the toilet is your best option if you want to avoid touching any germs. Of course, you risk leaving a mess that will be more difficult for anyone who uses the restroom after you.

Tierno advises against touching other bathroom fixtures, saying, “The towel dispenser, door knob, all of that is contaminated grossly”. Use a paper towel to open the door if necessary, but make sure to dispose of it after use and not leave it lying around.

As always, washing your hands is the best approach to prevent getting germs. No matter how dirty your hands are, Tierno said, “as long as you wash them properly, for 20 seconds, with soap, and getting under the nail bed, you’re fine”.

However, sometimes the toilet seat is clearly dirty, maybe because someone pissed on it because he didn’t lift the seat. In that case, you can clean and sanitize the surface before sitting.