The urinal-hugging trees
When you go to a concert, the major problem is always the toilet, especially if you need to pee a lot of times. In addition, toilets are often less than necessary, so you have to make do as you can between flora and bottles.
A Dutch design studio called AANDEBOOM has developed either the world’s most brilliant or most improvised restroom. P-Tree is the name of this molded, recyclable plastic container with stainless steel and nylon straps that attach to a tree trunk and make it a public urinal.
Although pee’s nitrates and nutrients can be used as fertilizer and are good for many plants, unprocessed urine in large quantities produced by most outdoor events can be damaging to the trees and plants that absorb the majority of it. Furthermore, the odor it produces is rarely pleasant.
It’s actually pretty smart if you think that guys generally pee on trees. P-Tree acknowledges the inevitable and adds a layer of protection so that said trees don’t take a direct hit.
The P-Tree is a portable urinal that can be fastened to practically any tree and is an aesthetically beautiful and easily removable option for events, public gardens, and festivals. The P-Tree is easy to set up, take down, and clean. The urinal hoses can be merged and joined to meet the needs of the event, or they can be led into plastic containers that are buried in the ground.
P-Tree connects to a centralized sewage system or a tank, allowing it to flush. The main drawback is that neither side of the urinal is shielded. As a result, a large number of “members” are visible, but it’s part of the game.
The Roskilde festival in Denmark, which included 50 bright orange P-Trees, was an opportunity to test them. Designers Rogier Martens and Sam van Veluw claimed that the festival’s issue with public peeing was greatly reduced. This makes us question if P-Tree will really take off and become a mainstay at outdoor events.