Homefood and beverageA beer brand encourages peeing in its cans

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A beer brand encourages peeing in its cans

Busch Beer offers a special funnel with its beers

When you have to pee and there is no bathroom nearby, the only way out is to pee in the woods or some kind of corner around you unless you have a container with you. The latter is what suggests Busch Beer with their beer cans.

Busch Beer is an American brewing company, part of Anheuser-Busch, which is the largest in the U.S. In September 2020, Busch also released Dog Brew, a non-alcoholic beverage for dogs. The “beer” contains pork bone broth, water, vegetables, herbs, and spices rather than alcohol and hops.

Now, they launched the “Save a Tree, Pee in a Busch” campaign, just in time to celebrate Earth Month and for their newest product release on April Fools’ Day but it’s not a prank.

Peeing on trees, according to One Tree Planted, may be extremely damaging, making them more prone to disease, pests, and nutrient loss.

As a result, Busch is selling a limited-edition Pee in a Busch funnel kit, which contains a funnel that fits neatly within the opening of a Busch Light can, allowing you to take a piss and dispose of it elsewhere.

Busch Light has partnered with One Tree Planted for the promotion, and all proceeds from the Busch funnel kit will be donated to the nonprofit organization which expressed its excitement at the new collaboration:

“We are excited to partner with Busch Light on this initiative that will not only protect the great outdoors from waste, but will also restore vulnerable National Forests across the U.S. Through these urination kits, not only will negative impacts be removed from forests, but the trees donated will have positive impacts such as conserving wildlife, combating climate change, and restoring areas impacted by wildfires”. 

Fans can now purchase this one-of-a-kind, yet necessary, kit at shopbeergear.

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Source foodbeast.com

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