Rankin and WaterAid present arty toilet seats

Toilets and art to raise awareness of the lack of sanitation

The Rankin Agency is a one-stop-shop creative agency with the ability to implement everything from ideation to production. Now, Rankin is celebrating toilets along with WaterAid, an international non-governmental organization, focused on water, sanitation, and hygiene, as lifesavers because of Toilet Day and to raise awareness of the lack of decent toilets in some countries, according to WaterAid.

So, Rankin and a whole host of creatives have designed an array of artistic toilet seats.

WaterAid, which is operating in 34 countries, says 800 children die every day from diarrheal infections caused by contaminated water and poor sanitation. A third of schools also lack adequate restrooms, causing many women to stay at home during their periods and preventing them from reaching their full potential.

The Rankin Agency is collaborating with artists, designers, comedians, and musicians to create their own toilet seat designs. 25 musicians have contributed to the ‘Best Seat in the House’, including Harry Hill, Pam Hogg, Val Garland, Boy George, Dame Zandra Rhodes, Pure Evil, and Hayden Kays.

“It’s easy for us to take toilets for granted; we just assume everyone has one. But one in five people doesn’t have this basic human right, that’s an extraordinary figure. When traveling with work, I’ve seen first-hand how difficult it is for people to live without a toilet, and the impact it has on their health, education, dignity, and safety”, said photographer and director Rankin.

“The toilet really is the best seat in the house, and that’s what we want to show through this campaign. Toilets can make us feel a little uncomfortable. Using the toilet seat as a canvas is an accessible and engaging way to put the spotlight on toilets and get people talking about them. The designs are fun but carry an important message that everyone everywhere needs a decent toilet. And by supporting WaterAid, we can help get toilets into schools around the world so children can build a better future”.

WaterAid’s wider ‘Thirst for Knowledge’ appeal is assisting communities around the world in obtaining clean water and toilets, which will help prevent the spread of serious diseases, enhance education, and transform lives.

Here are some of the creations: the seat designed by singer and DJ Boy George (with the words ‘Piss and Love’); a stylish gold seat by fashion designer and musician Pam Hogg; an embroidered seat by fashion and textile designer Dame Zandra Rhodes; and the so-called lucky toilet seat by comedian and TV presenter Harry Hill, who listed things this special seat can protect you from, including ghosts and junk mail.

Explore the gallory and donate through wateraid.org

Source thedrum.com; Photo by RANKIN

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