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‘Poop rain’ on the prairies

Tiny bugs are pooping all over cities

It’s not the case of raining cats and dogs, but certainly it’s raining poop. That’s what happened on the prairies, where a dry summer seems ideal for certain tiny bugs to thrive and poop all over the place. These bugs are called aphids, or “tree lice”, and their tree sap meals are causing sticky rain in Saskatchewan (Canada), according to The Weather Network (TWN).

The aphids suck on tree sap, and they’re leaving their droppings all over cars and sidewalks in cities like Regina and Moose Jaw. According to James Tansey, a provincial entomologist for the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, aphids feed on the sap in large quantities to receive the greatest nutrients, but this regrettably causes them to be in a “perpetual state of diarrhea”.

This summer, drought conditions in Manitoba have also created an aphid poop problem in Winnipeg, with some residents telling CBC that it’s the worst they’ve ever seen. No matter how much they clean, the bugs rain on their parade all over again.

“We tried power washing everything down, and three days later it’s just as bad, so it gets to the point where you just don’t want to even come out anymore”, one Regina local said.

“I checked on my car after it rained last week, and I was surprised to find a syrupy substance all over the vehicle”, recalls Lia Nardone, the social media coordinator for The Weather Network, currently based in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.

There are over 4,000 species of aphids. Some target the agricultural environment, and others prefer elm trees in residential spaces, leaving this sticky poop that feels like glue.

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People have taken to Twitter to air their complaints.

A real-life “poo-pocalypse”!

Source curiocity.com

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