Superheroes’ bathroom habits

An illustrator drew the most famous superheroes in the bathroom

Do Superheroes use the bathroom? Maybe you’ve always wondered. Now, the artist JP “Pat” Huddleston, in a series of illustrations, depicts how superheroes might look while using the bathroom and, more importantly, how they might manage their superpowers.

You can visit his Facebook page and see that what makes the series stand out is the level of attention to detail and humor weaved in. Each character’s personality traits have been explored, and it’s not always easy to use the bathroom as a superhero.

Just a look at Wolverine’s claws, while he’s sitting on the toilet, was enough to make you shudder if you imagine those slipping out at the wrong moment, but that reaction quickly turns to laughter when you notice the Deadpool-themed pants as well as seeing the anti-hero engrossed in Playboy while doing his business. Not to mention the unicorn plushie. Batman instead, seems to prefer to spend this private time flicking through an issue of Wonder Woman.

This entire series has a winning formula by mixing a lot of talent with a lot of fun. You can see the full series of these prints, which are also available to purchase, over at the Huddlestaff store.

However, we can’t help but mention another artist who depicted superheroes on the toilet, making a pun with their names. The artist with the nickname canguven has a lot of illustrations and accessories on his store page. The following pictures are his superheroes on the toilet renamed: Batroom (Batman), Deadpoo (Deadpool), and Man of stool (Man of steel).

Click on the image to jump directly to the store page.

Man of stool


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