Homepublic toiletsFrench start-up launches urinals for women

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French start-up launches urinals for women

Madame Pee launches ergonomic and waterless urinals

You know, when it comes to public toilets, women are the most disadvantaged. Men urinals take up less space than a toilet for women, that’s why they greater in number compared to the latter. And on top of that, fewer women bathrooms means a long queue when they need to use them.

So, after a year and a half of research and development, the French businesswoman Nathalie des Isnards conceived urinals designed for women. With her start-up Madame Pee, she launched an ergonomic toilet that is also waterless.

madame pee

These kinds of toilets had already been used in 2019 during festivals and sports events.

The start-up has also designed a model of the toilet that automatically runs and has sensors that count how many people enter. This is a solution that will be used for urban centers because it eases maintenance and cleaning.

These urinals take up 40% less space than standard toilets, women wait 6 times less to enter the toilet, and spend an average of 45 seconds inside compared to an average of 2 minutes and 30 seconds spent in standard toilets.

Madame Pee urinals, as the Company says, are intuitive. They have swinging doors, so you don’t have to touch anything. In addition, they also have a hanger for clothes.

In these urinals, you don’t have to sit down and worry about squirts because the bowl is provided with a grid that prevents splashes. The toilet is also equipped with a toilet paper dispenser and a bin to throw used paper in. The bin is placed outside but usable from the inside through a window which makes waste disposal easier.

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Moreover, all cabins are half-open, so you see when it’s free or busy but the most important thing is that they are all touchless, odorless, thanks to the openings which make it also easy to clean the toilet and because urine is flushed by gravity.

Will urinals be back on trend?

Source Madame Pee

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