HomepoopThe poop museum is now online

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The poop museum is now online

You don’t need to go to Tokyo and you can visit for free

We have already talked about the poop museum before. The facility found a permanent home in Odaiba last year, but since the Japanese government declared a state of emergency to curb the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus, the Japanese battened down the hatches and they moved all museum activities online from May 1st, so you can enjoy them in quarantine.

The online museum is separated into different areas, each with a name that plays on ‘unko‘, the Japanese word for poop.

The Un-stagenic Area will be stocked with several poop-themed wallpapers you can use during your on-nomi (online drinking) video chat sessions. Why not surprise your friends or boss by dialing in with a mysterious floating turd above your head?

Lastly, Unko Museum’s official Instagram is hosting regular live sessions (in Japanese) from May 1st with the museum mascot, Unberto, who will answer all your burning questions about poop. For the exact times for the crappy Q&A keep an eye on the museum’s Instagram account. To complete the experience, you can visit the Unko Museum online shop and purchase some turd-shaped gummies, hats, plushies, and fashion accessories.

Umberto, the mascot of the museum

Source timeout.com

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