A new ‘green’ concept urinal to water plants with pee
It’s been a long time since public urinals went into disuse. They have been replaced by public toilets that demand some money to have access, though. However, sometimes most of them don’t work, so often a café or some remote corner is preferred to pee.
Currently, the ‘green’ trend is taking hold, so a young designer called Eddie Gandelman came up with the idea of a new kind of ecologic urinal that allows to water plants with pee.
The concept is cylinder-shaped with 4 urinals. On the top, there’s a plant that will be watered. The process of filtering pee happens in 3 steps where urine passes through activated charcoal, crushed limestone, and greensand. As a result, sodium, and uric acid are filtered and the final product is directly addressed to the overlying plant.

The young designer, who studies at Cincinnati University, named his idea ‘When nature calls’ and declared that at the moment his project is still a theory also because it’s quite expansive to realize, but he hopes sooner or later someone takes this chance. Currently, Eddie is in touch with some architects and engineers trying to move a step forward to the realization of his idea.
The ‘green’ trend seems to have stimulated creativity on new products and we hope they may give more comfort as well as wellness and further integration with the environment.

Source Greenme